March 21, 2009

Me and My Big Ideas

Two weeks ago I had this grand idea in the middle of the night (when all the "grandest" of ideas come about, generally because one is sleep-deprived and mildly hallucinating). My idea was to create a blog, a place called home; a place where I would be able to carry out all the thoughful, insightful and generally mind-blowing samples of journalism I could muster. I had LOADS of stuff I wanted to weigh in on, oh yes. Flashes of genius in the middle of the night always produce such lovely fruit. Problem is, in the light of day, I had to sit down and compose these flashes into a single focus and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Turns out I'm not such a fucking genius, and I'm a bit stuck. I want this blog to bear fruit, but what kind? I briefly considered the topic of internet porn after dumpster diving into my junk mail - I truly had no idea how many people were into beastiality and housewife sluts. A disturbing trend, to say the least. But is this the subject that I want to open with? Other than some sporadic facebook-ing, this blog is my first jump into the "World-Wide-Net", which is a territory so foriegn to me. I decide this is not how I want to say "hello", but table it for a later date.

What then? Religion, politics? Maybe one of my short stories, ones that I loosely term as "fiction" but are honestly pieces of my life with the names changes to protect the innocent.... Fiction is a probable outlet here, but again, not yet. I'm saving that for later when I actually have some readers.

There are always things to talk about; I know I turn on my TV and see endless gripings about this and that. And in my general day-to-day interactions with the public people talk a lot - incessantly! However I've noticed that people (myself included) seem to talk a lot without saying much. This sort of talk is pretty cheap, and it's hard to find folks that want to relax and listen respectfully to one another - speaking when they have something that's actually relevant to add. Mostly, folks are just waiting to speak, and not really listening to the other person at all. This trend in our way of relating produces lots of gossipy snippets, excitedly babbled and quickly forgotten. So I still need to pull some ideas...some inspiration. What is it that truly interests people?

Mostly people seem interested in the state of Rhianna's domestic affairs, a subject matter that hits home for me (pun intended), yet the public facination with her story is almost as surreal as the fact that Jay-Z is asking Ms. Tina Turner to counsel her. When my ex stalked me and pummeled my face in (among other things), it was hard just to get the Malden police to serve up a restraining order, never mind contacting a rock-star-turned-buddhist to mentor me. As for the other big news story - the recession and all the financial deviants involved - well this makes me pretty fired up! I mean, by all accounts there are plenty of us who could count ourselves as literal criminals, and life and limb would be (and has been in some of our cases - you know who you are!) threatened to the fullest extent of the law. Yet one looks at these white-collar criminals and the million dollar bonuses they recieve and feels powerless. We scratch our heads wondering what to do? Somebody I knew years ago broke into a residential home in search of cash and there were no lingering questions in that case as to how to best proceed - why is justice in the financial world any different?

Sadly, although I read the Wall Street Journal religiously every day, I have no answers on this topic either. Or maybe I do, but I am terrified of exposing myself as inept and incredibly stupid because my understanding of the specifics lack substance. I'd have to go back to Bentley College and finish that degree in Accounting and International Finance I started and lord knows there is a reason why I dropped that course of study like a bad habit. Swimming in that vast sea of information and politics is more than I care to take on.

So I leave it up to you, dear readers. Or reader (thanks, Dad for signing on). What do you want to hear me mouth off on? I'm taking suggestions, and I am looking forward to writing about something, someday. Throwing the ball into your court seems to be the safest thing I can do here, since it ensures that at least somebody will like what I wrote - or feign some interest. After all, rejection sucks, and though I'm no stranger to it I would prefer to have some healthy admiraton for a change...humor me?

Be Well - Do Good
Jennifer Psallidas


  1. Stick with one topic at a time Jen becasue they are all real good topics to get be people going. Internet Porn is one thing, but the beastlality is another. I don't find just regular run of the mill man on woman stuff too disturbing, but 2 consenting people should just make thier own films and keep them in a fire proof lock box and do what they need to stimulate each other if thats thier thing. I do not get turned on by lesbians or gangbangs. The beastiality stuff to me iwas always just gross and has never had a place for me and hasno place on this planet, but in the end it still falls under the umbrella of privacy and should be kept there. Of coarse I didn't feel that way when I was young and reckless, but now that I am older and have become a responisble adult and father. I don't have much time to execute those impure thoughts and acts. I am much more of a liberal thinker overall, but in this area I am more conservative but the younger generation isn't becasue they have easier access and better technology than we did when we were younger. Its out of our control outside of our homes. We can only parent our children the best we can to keep them away from going into those areas for so long, but in the end they will end up making thier own decisions on what they want to view. I can only hope that they are disccreet about it

    Hopefully kids won't be able to turn on the daily soap operas when thier parents aren't home and get to see soft porn on regular TV or on commercials. I CAN TOTALLY SEE THAT HAPPENING IN 10 - 20 YEARS. Then we will become like Sweden.

    Good job Jen. That was something different for a change

  2. Hey Jen
    Chad C here
    That was a bit of a rant , all of those things could be broken into several stories.
    I want to hear more from you and i would like your writing to be as fearless as possible . I know your conscious of way more than your actually saying .Do not be scared because it is helpful for those of us who are not saying what we feel. All this subject matter is very useful.
    Bestiality , American finance , Jay-Z or whatever ,pick one and dig ,dig ,dig until you cannot dig anymore. /or not ,it is your time after all./
    Humanity needs more resonance and you have a particularly unique character that many of us who feel alone on this earth need to hear from.
    If you so feel inclined to be a writer than do it without self judgment ,regardless of what your personal evolution through life has taught you about being proper or the ladder,disregard all that Jen because someone out there no matter how dark dingy or deranged your experiences have been is going through the exact same thing rite now and feeling the same as you did and do .

  3. Hi Jen,
    Bravo for your venture into blogging. This was a well written introduction into the whirlwind of thoughts in your head. As for a topic, pick a memory and walk us through where you were then and what it has brought you to today.
    Write whatever you wake up thinking about most, there doesn't have to be ryhme or reason to your daily rant but like the others said just one at a time so we can take it in and really get to know what you're trying to tell us.
    Like I said BRAVO, 1st and foremost be proud of yourself for taking a step forward into releasing your demons and being brave enough to share them with the world.
    Love You and I'll be reading you,
    Kim and her girls.

  4. I think it's a worthwhile pursuit dear Nej. I myself have a blog and the fruit it bears is what I myself harvest. It's for the eyes, ears, senses...not for publication. This is what you make of it, a lot like life really. Jesus do I sound like I'm in therapy or what? You're a great writer keep it organic.

    TT Rodriguez

  5. Hey There, Sunshine,

    I am so thrilled (and a bit envious) that you have started to blog! I think you will find it invigorating and simultaneously cathardic to open the pandora's box that is your mind and heart.
    Do not fear rejection-it doesn't exist here. You have invited only those of us whom care for you and for what you have to share. You may see some differences of opinion, (after all, isn't that an affirmation of being "heard")but rejection? No. I believe that if say what you mean to say instead of what you think might entertain or intrest folks, you will get what you are truly seeking-a place to be YOU on YOUR terms-no excuses,compromises, or bullshit.
    I think you might organize your thoughts by maybe choosing a "topic of the month" and posting poems, rants, novellas,etc. based on the topic. Just a thought. . .
    Keep wading through waters, they'll soon turn clear and you'll see the way. Don't let Ego bully your inner voice-YOU be the lion! Now, lemme hear ya roar!!!!!

    Awaiting whatever comes,
    (Sullivan Thomas)

  6. These are all wonderful and thoughtful words; a sincere thank you goes out to all...

    You guys are totally right about me letting my guard down and just letting loose here - I am going to use this opportunity to the fullest and try to let go of any nagging inner "Ego" that tells me my thoughts/feelings are stupid, etc.
    I am still mulling my next entry, but I will definitely be focusing on a single subject matter for sure. This entry was sort of a preliminary "peek" into the churning (and yes, ranting) of my heart and mind. As I grow as a writer/columnist, I'm looking forward to getting progressively heart-driven so that my truest expression can step out into the public eye...your eyes; which are more supportive and uplifting than anything I could have ever predicted.
    Thanks again for the love - and stay tuned for more!!
